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Verisae Mobile is a browser-based application, built to function equally on a mobile device such as a tablet or smart phone or a desktop computer with wireless connectivity. It can be navigated either with the mouse/pointer on a desktop computer or with touch-screen capability of a mobile device.
Verisae Mobile may be accessed via the main Verisae application (select Dashboard on the top bar) or directly on the mobile website (
Mobile works in a variety of browsers, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer 10 or higher. Verisae has implemented restrictions if users attempt to login to Mobile in a version prior to IE10. If the application detects that the user is trying to login to Mobile from an unsupported browser then an error will be displayed.
If the domain is not added to a browser’s "Trusted Sites" with a security setting of "medium," the domain requires:
These settings can be enabled in the following locations:
Geolocation should be turned on in the application by sliding the geolocation option on the login screen to Enabled. If prompted, allow Verisae sites to use your current location by selecting OK or Allow.
Passwords must be at least 8 characters long, contain at least one upper case character; contain at least one lower case character; contain at least one number contain at least one ‘special’ character, e.g. ‘#’ or ‘!’ or ‘%’
Passwords should not be repeated (within last 12 password changes); be changed at least every 90 days. They should not contain your Verisae system ID. No Generic login is allowed.
The number of days after last login which will cause a user to be deactivated 90 days.
Verisae mobile will continue to work if geolocation is disabled, however geolocation should be enabled wherever possible.
Yes, Verisae mobile can be used on a desktop computer, a laptop computer or a mobile device.
The Engineer detail menu will only appear if the permit to work has been submitted. Click Submit.
No, using a filter does not delete or reassign any data. If in doubt remove the filter, it can always be reapplied.
If you have permission you may be able to define if colour should be used and the thresholds on each tile when the colour change is applied.
Deleting a tile does not delete the data it is reporting on. A new tile with the same properties can be added.
You should complete a hard copy HOT work permit on site and record the reference number on mobile. If mobile is not available you should ask your Verisae administrator to record the Start of your job and add the HOT reference number in the Contractor notes on completion.