
Our partnership with Sharperlight stems from customer need to quickly and easily disseminate the information in their systems, be it financial, operational, legal, commercial or people-oriented.  Sharperlight provides the tools necessary to build powerful dashboards and reports to complement your existing tools – such as Power BI – and it provides the complete suite of web reporting, dashboards, excel reporting, data capture and other development tools necessary for a mature organisation.

Whatever you are looking for in your enterprise reporting you probably want something that is agile, easy to develop and a product you are happy to utilise in different ways across your business. Sharperlight provides the right mix of tools and comes at a fraction of the normal total cost of ownership, especially if you are looking to work with many of the existing connectors already built including Infor SunSystems, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, Oracle and Power BI.

Take a quick look at the suite of tools available and consider the dexterity they could add to your organisation, and the invaluable control of data and business they will provide  you with, in just a few days.

Web Reporting

Sharperlight can present dynamic tables, charts, pivot tables and presentation reports using its own web service. It has an application called Publisher, for managing and configuring these published queries. Each query can be filtered and refreshed in the web, and it will return the latest data.

  • The web content delivered through Publisher can be graduated with basic HTML4 tables, more complex HTML4 with JavaScript automation, all the way to sophisticated HTML5 visualisations.
  • The core charting engine renders the graphics in HTML5.
  • Every published query has a unique web address referencing the query and the output style. This means each query can be uniquely referenced in a webpage, or in an email, or bookmarked in a web browser.
  • For pixel perfect report layouts, Publisher has a WYSIWYG report designer that can output reports to PDF, HTML and Microsoft Word.

Dashboards are created and maintained using an HTML5 interface in a web browser. A dashboard consists of a page and each page can contain multiple rectangular tiles. The tiles can be resized and re-positioned, the tile can display published content from Publisher or display any valid web address.

  • Tiles have a default content view and an expanded view that can be displayed by double clicking on the tile title bar.
  • A single dashboard can mashup content from multiple data sources.
  • Every dashboard has a unique URL address and thus, they can be embedded into any browser interface that supports a URL.
  • Tiles can auto align to each other or overlap; each can have different colour scheme and tooltips can be added to the tile bar.

Read more here about how Sharperlight can help your business.