Four Weekly Tech Newsletter – April 4
Lead articles from April 4
AI is learning to categorise and talk about art
It’s hard enough for people to categorize or discuss art, but it’s even more difficult for artificial intelligence. Several research groups have recently tried to apply machine learning to large databases of artworks to sort and describe them in a meaningful way.
A scientist taught AI to generate chat up lines - the results are chaotic
AI is finally learning to flirt. While romantic banter continues to elude the likes of Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant, an advanced AI system is being trained to seduce, churning out original pickup lines for the express purpose of scoring a date.
Behold the new AI automation wave - AI in software testing
AI is transforming various facets of technology, with none outside its purview. Testing is one such area in which AI is set to do wonders and organisations must move in tandem with the changes that AI is slowly bringing to stay competitive. Testing comprises 25-40% of the entire developmental expenses, and the total spending on testing exceeded USD 300 bn in 2017.
Artificial Intelligence - are we doing it all wrong?
The artificial intelligence or “AI” label is slapped on almost anything electronic these days, from “smart” toothbrushes to cancer-curing supercomputers. If you’re like me you’ve become jaded by the AI rubric, realizing we’re still a long way from true intelligence in machines. Now what?
AI can now design new antibiotics in a matter of days
IBM’s new AI system could also help design treatments for Covid-19. Imagine you’re a scientist who needs to discover a new antibiotic to fight off a scary disease. How would you go about finding it? Typically, you’d have to test lots and lots of different molecules in the lab until you find one that has the necessary bacteria-killing properties.
An Artificial Intelligence tool that can help detect melanoma
Using deep convolutional neural networks, researchers devise a system that quickly analyzes wide-field images of patients’ skin in order to more efficiently detect cancer. Melanoma is a malignant tumor responsible for more than 70% of all skin cancer-related deaths worldwide.