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Contract termination – a simple approach

Contract termination involves a contract party ending a contract before its obligations are fully completed by both parties.  The cancellation of a contract should involve crucial financial analysis, contract performance
Posted  on May 19, 2020
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Manage clinical trials with contract management software

With coronavirus (COVID-19) firmly established as a global pandemic, organisations in the medical field, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, bio-pharmaceuticals and other related industries need to effectively manage drug development contracts and obligations,
Posted  on May 13, 2020
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Find Force Majeure clauses with Contract Insight

With the global impact of the COVID-19 outbreak affecting every aspect of our daily lives, it’s not difficult to see why many organisations may have trouble fulfilling their contractual obligations. 
Posted  on May 6, 2020
Big DAta

Improve data-driven contract management with Contract Insight

Data-driven contract management is the building block for contract data processing and contract analytics, providing the necessary insight for businesses to reduce contract cycle times with improved control, governance and
Posted  on April 30, 2020
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4 must-have contract management tools for home-working

In the face of unforeseen circumstances, home working might become a pressing need. Certainly many businesses have recently adopted home working during the COVID-19 pandemic. The likelihood is that once
Posted  on April 22, 2020
Contract Insight in times of crisis

Cut business costs during times of crisis with Contract Insight

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed contract management, procurement and sourcing professionals into new, uncharted waters regarding their business operations.  Organisations need to quickly find ways to cut contract-related costs and
Posted  on April 15, 2020
green shoots of recovery

Contract management software for best procurement practice

When purchasing and implementing a new product or service, you want to be sure that you’ve chosen an option that will maximise benefits for your organisation.  In the case of
Posted  on April 2, 2020
healthcare contract management software

Address healthcare’s emerging challenges with CLM software

Enterprises and large health systems face decreasing margins and an industry-wide move towards complex, value-based contracting models.  Many of these organisations still take a manual approach to managing hundreds to
Posted  on March 13, 2020
CRM and contract management

CRM and contract management software

The perfect match – CRM and contract management software Sometimes, confusion arises if your contract management software and your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system function separately. Business can run much
Posted  on February 24, 2020
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6 tips for smarter contract management in 2020

There’s no doubt that managing contracts takes time and effort.  Professionals review contracts with a keen eye for the details, employing excellent reading skills, deep comprehension, business acumen and time
Posted  on February 21, 2020
White Papers

Best practice procurement whitepaper

Click here to read our whitepaper Best Practice Today, procurement professionals like you have your skills put to the test. If you hone the following aspects of your procurement policy,
Posted  on August 20, 2019
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iPOS – giving you total control over your procurement spend

Are you really controlling costs, or just watching them rack up? Today, with the specialised software available, there’s no excuse for revenue-sapping delays, maverick procurement and mistakes in your supply
Posted  on July 30, 2019