Energy and utilities

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Energy and utilities software solutions

For an industry already in transition, recent events have brought energy and utilities to the fore. At a time when suppliers of fossil fuels seek to evolve against the backdrop of climate change, competition with digital natives plying more sustainable solutions and an explosion in global demand make it a very crowded, complex marketplace indeed.

Unprecedented demand and compromised supply have seen prices shoot up. Sanctions on traditional suppliers are also doing their bit to make life harder for suppliers and consumers alike.

Contracting challenges for energy companies

Contracts are being rewritten, torn-up, re-allocated. Energy and utilities compliance is expensive and complex. For many of our energy suppliers under increased regulatory scrutiny administration is increasingly onerous.

With the need to manage large numbers of high value supplier contracts, the industry faces huge challenges in trying to stay fully compliant. Forward-thinking energy companies can’t afford to be distracted by red tape and arduous manual processes. Energy industry contract management processes can really help mitigate risk by enabling companies to keep their focus on the volatile marketplace.

Smart energy contract management solutions

Smart contract management solutions offering automated compliance, advanced analytics and real time contract visibility help take the heat off some of the day-to-day, with the added benefit of helping suppliers avoid large fines and penalties for non-compliance.

Energy and utilities contract management software from Four

Contract Insight, our contract management software, enables:

  • document managing and contract drafting
  • searching and contract reporting
  • regulatory compliance and tracking
  • auto-email, tasks and calendar alerts
  • auto-extraction and user-defined fields
  • intelligent workflow management
  • price and cost tracking
  • online negotiations with electronic signatures.

Energy industry contract management system

Maximise your business agility, your contract and your ROI by bringing your entire contract ecosystem onto our contract management platform. Find out more about Contract Insight here.