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Our retail software solutions

Retail process improvement

Like so many other industries, retail has seen some fundamental changes in customer behaviour and buying habits. Covid19 accelerated the move away from the high street to online shopping and although most of us have returned to the supermarkets, for many other goods online shopping is our first port of call.

This is made easy for consumers with the Amazon Prime model of flat monthly fees for delivery and other benefits. There’s  a myriad of other click and collect options from Amazon Lockers to free delivery to local brand branches – all dedicated to ensuring that the last mile is as seamless as it can possibly be.

Retail contract management

Retail has had to adapt at pace – to scale and flex – creating a raft of new contractual arrangements to ensure streamlined online purchasing, delivery and return options, and compliance with consumer rights. As a result, retailers have to deal with a far greater number of contracts which threaten to dominate the retail landscape to the detriment of smooth supply chain operations, effective marketing and timely fulfilment.

Supplier contract management

Contract management software can help retailers move away from manual processes, and provide the automation that takes the pressure off day-to-day contract management. Tailored specifically to help retailers, Contract Insight is Four’s contract management software of choice, and we can offer retailers many years of experience across the industry.

Contract Insight – contract management software from Four

At Four Business Solutions, we bring greater insight, sleeker operations and innate simplicity to our retail customers’ operations, no matter how complex their environment. Plus, we offer 24-hour a day support to this always-on industry. Our consultants provide unrivalled technology, industry knowledge and delivery experience, all of which help us implement integrated contract management and procurement solutions – with regulatory compliance that best fits the needs of our clients. You can find out more about all the features of Contract Insight here.

iPOS procurement software

Four also help retailers shore up their supply chain and fulfilment capabilities with iPOS procurement software. iPOS is a state of the art online tool with powerful workflow functionality which enables multiple approval while orders placed by users can be checked against budgets in real time. Four is an established specialist in the delivery of of procurement solutions for Great Plains and SunSystems users, and recently deployed iPOS for Tesco. Find out more about this project by clicking the link below.

Get in touch

To find out how Contract Insight and/or iPOS can help your business flourish, please complete the form here to get in touch.

  • “We had financial control – Four Business Solutions has given us operational efficiency.”
    EMS Business Consultant
    Stuart Lloyd, Business Consultant
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