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Lead articles from June 20
Towards broad AI and the Edge in 2021
AI has quickened its progress in 2021. A new administration is in place in the US and the talk is about a major push for Green Technology and the need to stimulate next generation infrastructure including AI and 5G to generate economic recovery with David Knight forecasting that 5G has the potential – the potential – to drive GDP growth of 40% or more by 2030. The Biden administration has stated that it will boost spending in emerging technologies that includes AI and 5G to $300Bn over a four year period.
Experts explore new frontiers for AI in cancer care
AI in healthcare is “not science fiction, it’s science fact, and it’s here to stay,” said Professor Mathias Goyen, chief medical officer EMEA at GE Healthcare, during a thought-provoking debate on the future of AI in oncology at #HIMSS21Europe. Leaders from Europe and the US convened to explore exciting leaps forward of AI in oncology at the HIMSS21 & Health 2.0 European Health Conference, though the panel highlighted key barriers to greater acceptance and adoption of AI into mainstream care.
Five machine learning skills you need in the cloud
Put your IT team in the best position to succeed with AI. Develop these machine learning skills and see how they translate to the major cloud platforms. Machine learning and AI continue to reach further into IT services and complement applications developed by software engineers. IT teams need to sharpen their machine learning skills if they want to keep up. Cloud computing services support an array of functionality needed to build and deploy AI and machine learning applications.
Use of AI in the research of quantum mechanics
AI can be used to improve the research method of Quantum Mechanics. Searching for different uses of artificial intelligence has always been a successful journey and among its numerous uses, quantum mechanics stands in a vital position. AI can be used to predict molecular wave functions and the electronic properties of molecules. The behavior of the electron in the molecule can be observed and the data can be fed to AI algorithm, which would further predict the future behaviors of the electrons in the molecules.
Smart cities of the future: 7 things that successful cities do
In short – there are 7 things that successful Smart Cities do differently according to IoT Analytics latest research on Smart Cities. The 7 success factors include the empowerment of citizens, the facilitation of public-private collaboration, and the alignment with government initiatives. Approaches to Smart City differ tremendously, with some cities appearing to be more successful than others. This article highlights numerous examples that cities or vendors should use as inspiration…
Will AI make interpreters and sign language obsolete?
In their decades-long chase to create artificial intelligence, computer scientists have designed and developed all kinds of complicated mechanisms and technologies to replicate vision, language, reasoning, motor skills, and other abilities associated with intelligent life. While these efforts have resulted in AI systems that can efficiently solve specific problems in limited environments, they fall short of developing the kind of general intelligence seen in humans and animals.