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Business, Contract Management

Seven ways contract builders streamline CLM processes

As organisations of all sizes evolve to manage evermore complex and numerous contracts, efficient contract management is crucial. Contracts are vital in establishing and maintaining business relationships, safeguarding legal rights,
Business, Contract Management

Spring forward – welcome to daylight saving

This weekend brings the long-awaited end to winter – in theory at least – as we spring forward into our favourite form of daylight saving. One less hour in bed
Business, Contract Management, Technology

Ten contract management system requirements your solution needs and why

There are many efficient contract management platforms on the market for small businesses, expansive enterprises, and those in between. As such, searching for the best contract management software with which
Business, Contract Management

Contract risk management – breaking down the basics

A proper legal risk management process is critical for the preservation of a healthy contracting process. Failure to adequately manage contract risk can be disastrous. Harmful contract risk oversights affect

March into spring with the best procurement software

Ineffectual procurement strategy can lead to elevated risk, dark purchasing, supplier issues, data inaccuracies, and a drawn-out purchasing cycle or procurement cycle.  To avoid wasting time, squandering opportunities, and mismanaging
Contract Management, News

Employee Appreciation Day

The importance of embedding a culture of recognition In the US, the first Friday in March is traditionally known as Employee Appreciation Day, but this is increasingly being recognised beyond
Business, Contract Management

Is it time to shake up the status quo?

We’ve been here before, but that doesn’t mean we’re stuck… Hurrah for February 1st. Despite the joyous welcome it receives at the start of its 31-day stint, what a relief
Business, Technology

Traditions that bind us – for better or for worse

Business and the Bard In Scotland, January 25 is Burns Night, an annual celebration of Robert Burns’ birthday, or Rabbie Burns as he’s more commonly known north of the border.
Business, Contract Management, News

Planning makes perfect

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. With thanks to Benjamin Franklin and Winston Churchill… So it’s that time of year again. Although the days are shorter and
Business, Contract Management, Security

Don’t fall for phishing…

Stay safe out there November 24 is both National and International Computer Security Day. We probably used to take security for granted. Using the same passwords endlessly – sometimes just
Business, Contract Management

Turning Evergreen Contract Challenges into Opportunities

This blog first appeared on Cobblestone Software’s site. Four are distributors of Cobblestone’s contract management system, Contract Insight. Anyone managing contracts knows about the evergreen contract. Evergreen agreements stand out for their ability to
Contract Management, News, Technology

Into the black – shop till you drop

Leavening the gloom As the clocks go back, the nights draw in and life generally seems to slow down in line with our circadian rhythms. All of a sudden, November