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Business, Contract Management, News

Education contract management in the face of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has left educational institutions in a state of disarray.  In these unprecedented times, your education contract managers – especially when overseeing contract management teams remotely – can’t
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Legal contract management for virtually ever bit and byte you use

General counsel and your legal team face growing contract volume and contract complexity.  The lack of an efficient legal contract management process can throw up obstacles that legal departments like
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

Contract management challenges for global business

Implementing a single CMS solution across  your global operation makes sense.   The benefits are self-evident, standardisation, inter-operability and ‘anytime, anywhere’ document access.  So, with all the right project controls in
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Business, Contract Management, News

The top seven procurement tools for 2021

As 2021 quickly approaches, procurement teams can take the opportunity to review their purchasing goals.  An ineffectual vendor management and payment processing strategy can lead to increased risk, dark purchasing,
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Business, Contract Management, News

Pharma and life sciences excellence with accelerated contracting

Pharmaceutical and life sciences organisations have a lot to handle.  Unfortunately, many organisations lack an efficient process to manage myriad contracts, clinical trials, promotions, supplies/goods, regulations and compliance.  Consequently, they
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

A winning contract strategy with contract automation

The strength of an organisation’s contract lifecycle hinges on a healthy contract strategy.  An ironclad contract procedure helps departments within your organisation come to a universal adoption of contract processes that improve
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Seven essential eSourcing tools for 2021

Organisations still using manual sourcing methods – such as gathering item prices in spreadsheets, corresponding with prospective bidders individually via email, and collecting numerous data separately from prospective suppliers –
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Business, News, Technology

Renovating supply chain management in the face of COVID 19

The COVID-19 pandemic has left supply chains all over the world in a state of disarray.  Now more than ever, antiquated supply chain contract management procedures can prevent efficiency and
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Business, Contract Management, News, Technology

Contract intelligence: embracing smarter contract management

Artificial intelligence (AI) is positively impacting organisations across a vast array of industries.  Developments in AI are proving incredibly valuable as they apply to contract management software systems.  Contract management AI can
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Business, Contract Management, News, Technology

Contract Insight 17.7.0: innovation is in our DNA

Contract Insight Enterprise Version 17.7.0 – is here, bringing with it many new features and enhancements to enrich your contract management software platform. Advantageous features such as AI and machine learning innovations,
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

Comprehensive procurement management from start to finish

A disjointed procurement management process can lead to procurement workflow bottlenecks.  The manual management of contracts, vendors, purchase orders and bids can be challenging and ineffective.  Processes that involve paying per solicitation
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

Boost financial analysis with contract management software

Systematically tracking and reporting contract financials is a crucial strategy for healthy contract lifecycle management.  Organisations benefit from a contract management software platform that permits them to keep track of transactions, run reports on