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Contract Management, Technology

Three signs that it’s time to upgrade your contract management software

Contract management software is instrumental in automating the drafting, negotiation, execution, and oversight of contracts. Naturally, there are some solutions that are better fitting for your organisation than others. Because of
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Business, Contract Management

Four important contract management performance metrics

When managing contracts, performance monitoring is one of the most important ways to measure success.  With a large variety of contracts, all with different terms, it can be difficult to
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Business, Contract Management

Three steps to a winning supplier management strategy

Procurement and supply chain professionals deal with an extensive and increasingly complex network of suppliers. These individuals can struggle with the inefficiencies of manual processes when managing contracts and tracking
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

5 tools for successful contract management in 2025

With new advancements and options for effective contract management continually evolving, we’ve detailed five essential contract management tools contract managers can empower themselves with to navigate the ever-changing landscape of
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

Four ways to use machine learning in supply chain management

Four ways to use machine learning in supply chain management Like many other business processes, supply chain management is being positively transformed by machine learning and AI technologies. Key innovations
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Business, Contract Management, News

The role of contract management in mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be necessary and beneficial growth strategies for many organisations. However, M&A transactions are complex and require more than just strategic vision and financial acumen; effective
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

The consequences of poor contract management

The consequences of poor contract management Contracts can be a headache. They’re the backbone of any business relationship, but when contracts are poorly managed, the ripple effect can be significant.
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

The importance of your contractual relationships

The importance of your contractual relationships Legal operations success often hinges on the strength of your relationships. You probably work with many vendors, clients or partners, and one key aspect
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

The ten contract management system requirements your chosen system should offer

There are many efficient contract management platforms on the market for small businesses, expansive enterprises and global multi-nationals. Searching for the best contract management software to manage contracts can be daunting.
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Business, Contract Management

What is a contract amendment?

A contract amendment is a modification of the terms and conditions of a contract or subcontract. How can contract amendments be managed? Though we’ll explore contract amendments more in-depth, it’s
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

Let’s talk SaaS security: protecting your apps and data in the cloud

As many businesses transition to cloud applications, Software as a Service (SaaS) has captured the pragmatic zeitgeist of modern operations. As with any new technological era, this shift has come
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Business, Contract Management, Technology

The three contract management KPIs for Success

Contract managers are under increased pressure to deliver value with reduced contract risks, decreased contract costs, and improved contract performance.  When you regularly measure progress and the success of contracts