Our whitepapers are a repository of Four’s expertise and latest thinking on a number of business improvement topics.
Our current whitepapers are accessible to read and download. You can access our latest thinking on contract management software here.
Please do feel free to engage with us on any topic listed – you can contact us here for further information.
Contract management whitepaper
Making the case for contract management whitepaper
The contract management playbook
5 signs it is time to upgrade your contract management software
Artificial intelligence 101: Introducing AI into contract management
Our latest whitepaper
Artificial intelligence 101: Introducing AI into contract management
Artificial intelligence (AI) is already sharpening professional best practices across a variety of industries. However, revolutionary advancements in AI are particularly beneficial as they apply to contract management solutions…
Contract management whitepaper
Today, contracts are the foundation of our business lives. And rightly so. Contracts enable all of us – in our professional and in our personal lives – to agree, control, comply and manage our partner, supplier and client relationships.
Procurement whitepaper
Procurement professionals like you really have your skills put to the test. Being responsible for ensuring your organisation gets the right product or service at the best price is a considerable responsibility, and integral to business success.
Making the case for contract management whitepaper
You’re close to the heart of the problem. You can see that an intelligent contract management software solution will improve your contract management processes at first hand.
The contract management playbook
Managing contracts from requests to renewals can prove difficult when relying on primarily manual processes. Without accountability, visibility, clearly defined strategies and actionable insights, you can find yourself running into compliance issues, minimising contract value, and encountering other setbacks
5 signs it is time to upgrade your contract management software
Contract management software is instrumental in automating the drafting, negotiation, execution, and administration of contracts. Naturally, there are some solutions that are better fitting for your organization than others.
The contract management playbook
Managing contracts from requests to renewals can prove difficult when relying on primarily manual processes. Without accountability, visibility, clearly defined strategies and actionable insights, you can find yourself running into compliance issues, minimising contract value, and encountering other setbacks